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Top 5 Chest Exercises For Pectus Excavatum
1. Bench Press (as a measurement of strength – minimum 1x bodyweight max as a starting goal) 2. Push-ups (AMRAP to failure at end of

Working out after the Nuss Procedure
Putting metal bars in your chest is no small feat and the first thing you may be wondering (I know I was) is how long

How To Bench 225 With Pectus Excavatum
Now why am I singling out a 225lb bench? For one, it’s a major milestone for new trainees, hitting 2 plates on bench for the

Fiber and Resistant Starch – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 60
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we’re discussing fiber and resistant starch. These powerful tools care for the gut and in turn, support all

Training Logs – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 59
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss the importance of keeping a training log. Being able to see what has worked in the

Fat-Loss, Maintenance, and Massing Phases – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 58
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss the importance of fat-loss, maintenance, and massing phases and how each of these should be used

Carb Cycling and Weight Fluctuations – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 57
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss how carb cycling impacts your weight, specifically during a weight loss phase. These weight fluctuations are

Working Out At Home – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 56
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss how to workout at home, including the equipment we’d recommend (that you can still find), the

How To Lose Weight – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 55
What can you do to lose weight? What options do you have when progress starts to slow down? What “tools” make the most sense to

“I’m Doing Everything Right, But Not Losing Weight” – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 54
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss what to do when you think are doing everything right but you are stuck at a

The Best Diet For Busy People – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 53
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss the best diet for busy people. Learn the in’s and out’s of a successful diet and

Exercising After Extended Time Off – Yesterday’s Coffee: Episode 52
In this week’s episode of Yesterday’s Coffee, we discuss how to restart exercising after a long time off. Learn how to adjust your volume, intensity,

Food Logs – Stop Logging Your Food
Do you keep a food log? If you are trying to accomplish any sort of body composition goal, be it weight loss or building muscle,

The 7 Laws of Fat Loss
Losing weight in the age of social media. With the prevalence of fitness-related posts on the internet and social media, you’d think looking for advice
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