Pectus Warriors: Nuss Procedure

Base Plan
Program Only - No Video Calls or Text Support
The Pectus Warriors Program is designed to show you exactly how to train, eat, stretch, and move during each phase of the Nuss Procedure prep and recovery, beginning 3-months pre-op and continuing through surgery, to a full year post-op. Our intention is to maintain and build quality muscle mass, increase strength, and improve posture so that by the end of the program, you have completely transformed. You can choose to work through the program on your own (Base Plan) or with weekly coaching from Kyle (Coaching Plan).
Strength Training & Mobility Programming For 9+ Months

The strength training and mobility work that you will do throughout this program is designed to bulletproof your body for surgery and then build you back up as quickly and safely as possible. Once your post-op restrictions are lifted (or if you are starting the plan without surgery) the post-limitation phase will show you how to rapidly build muscle and strength, while providing pectus specific exercise adjustments.
There are a total of 15 months of exercise programming if you start in the pre-op phase. You will have at least 9 months of relevant training, even if you start in the post-limitations phase after surgery. No matter what your level of training experience, this program was built with you in mind. You will have access to all three iterations of the program:
- At-Home Minimal Equipment Plan (no gym required)
- Beginner Weight Training Plan
- Advanced Weight Training Plan
If you have never worked out before then the first two options are a great fit for you. If you’re already a regular in the gym then jump right into the Advanced Plan.
Nutrition Program (Pre and Post-op)

Our main objective on the nutrition front is preserving and eventually growing lean muscle mass. Most individuals with pectus excavatum are already naturally skinny and it is very easy to lose even more weight (from muscle) after surgery due to the activity restrictions and side effects from the pain meds like suppressed appetite.
In each of the phases (pre-op, post-op, post-limitations) we will be using a slightly different nutrition strategy. We will always be shooting for a calorie surplus, but the macronutrient distribution we use in each stage will be slightly different based on activity levels.
You will be shown how to calculate the exact calorie and macronutrient needs for your body and then taught how to use this information to build a meal plan. Basic supplement recommendations are provided as well, those these are far less important and not required whatsoever.
Mindfulness Practice

You will encounter pain, discomfort, and maybe even some setback on this pectus journey. How you handle and respond to this is determined by your ability to be mindful in the moment it occurs. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to minimize discomfort after surgery and accelerate recovery, which is why we include it here. It is also the foundation for a grounded and enjoyable life.
We will work through two mindfulness meditations in this program, the first of which is a body scan meditation. You will sit in a quite place and work through the guided meditation, which will draw your attention to various places in the body. You will work your way through each body part until you finish in tune with the entire body.
The second meditation begins expanding your focus from the breath and body, to physical sensation, sound, and finally thoughts. You will work through both of these and eventually be able to customize the practice to suit your needs.
Email Support
You will be able to email me with any questions. Allow up to a week for response times.
Base Plan - (No Weekly Video Calls or Text Support)
Or upgrade to the Coaching Plan with weekly video calls and text support from Kyle.
Secure Processing
What's Included:
- 15-Months of Training Programs: Designed around every phase of Pectus Recovery (Pre-op months 1-3, Post-op months 1-12). Each month contains three different levels of difficulty to choose from based on your training experience and you will have access to all of them (At-Home, Beginner, Advanced). You will have at least 9 months to follow no matter what part of the surgical recovery process you come in.
- Pre-op Training: Specially designed workouts to prepare you for surgery and the recovery process.
- Post-op Training: The initial limitations of the post-op recovery period (no weight lifting for first 3-months post-op) are built into this plan. We then progress back to weight lifting and resistance training after you receive your Doctor's clearance. By the end, we want you stronger than ever.
- Pre-op Nutrition Program: Macronutrient plan and food recommendations categorized by starting body weight. Designed to help maintain muscle mass and develop healthy habits before surgery.
- Post-op Nutrition Program: Builds off of the pre-op nutrition program to help minimize muscle loss immediately following surgery and speed up the recovery process.
- Pre & Post-op Mobility Program: Specific warm-up and cooldown to follow before pre & post-op workouts (the warm-up and cooldown change after surgery) as well as specific stretches to perform to improve range of motion and flexibility.
- Mindfulness Practice: Guided meditations and mindfulness techniques to follow through the duration of this program. Mindfulness has been shown to increase the speed of recovery after surgery and decrease stress.
- Video Lessons: Videos for every exercise and every section of the program so that you know exactly what to do.