About Us

Hey, I’m Kyle, Founder and Head Coach of HypertroFit.
Since 2015 I’ve helped hundreds of my clients look better, lift heavier, and love food.
I am a home gym enthusiast and a huge equipment nerd. My wife rolls her eyes whenever I buy another barbell… But hey, the gym is pretty sweet!
Food is also huge part of our lives. You will see us frequenting the many incredible restaurants throughout Cincinnati should you ever be in town – we have plenty of recommendations for you.
My approach to fitness is simple, take the elements of what you do well and expand upon them. There is no one “right” way to get in shape. It’s also totally fine if we are starting from scratch.
Being a business owner, with a highly variable schedule, I know how hard it can be to balance your work life, home life, and fitness. That’s why everything we do is designed to streamline the process to getting you in the greatest shape of your life.
My fitness journey began in high school. I was a self-conscious, shy kid, who had plenty of athleticism but possessed a lanky build. I was also born with, what is known as Pectus Excavatum, or a caved-in chest. This was an incredibly vulnerable part of my body that added greatly to my insecurities. I turned to lifting as a way to build up the musculature over my entire body in hopes of looking and feeling better.
After a few years of strength training, I had started to see impressive results but the “hole” in my chest was a major blemish in my eyes. At the age of 18, I decided I wanted to go through the reconstructive surgery to have it fixed. During the interview and testing process to determine if I was a candidate for the surgery, I came to find out that my sternum was putting pressure on the right ventricle of my heart and it needed to be taken care of.
After going through the procedure and committing to my required 3 months of bed rest, I found myself at 160lbs (at 6’1), having lost every shred of progress I had made in the few years previous. I started from scratch, committing everything in my life to building myself anew. Over a 6-year period I gained a total of 40 lbs of muscle, but this was not simple, linear progress. During that same time frame, I also went through a 4-month stretch of cutting 40lbs of body fat. These experiences have given me the unique perspective of being on both sides of the body composition coin.
I went on to obtain my B.S. in Kinesiology from Miami University, with a minor in coaching. I earned a Certificate of Personal Training (CPT) through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the Specialist in Fitness Nutrition Certification through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), and in 2015 I began my professional career as a personal trainer. That same year I competed in my first bodybuilding show, managing all of my own prep, from the training and nutrition program, to posing and peaking for the stage.
After spending time in the commercial training industry I began to see things that worked really well, but also found the inherent drawbacks that come with personal training. The biggest limiting factor time – for both me and my clients. I was limited to the number of people I could interact with and influence in a day and last minute changes to any client’s schedule could very easily mean we miss our workout for the week. While the clients I worked with were able to see great results, I knew that with the right tools I would be able to offer the same caliber of service, with a much broader reach. And so, HypertroFit was born.
We’ve created the premier offering in the fitness-coaching, online training sphere. HypertroFit is here to deliver the most comprehensive, individualized training and nutrition program on the market that goes far beyond the industry standard. Built on the experience of thousands of client hours serviced and thousands of consultations, the HypertroFit system of program design, progress-tracking, and accountability is designed to deliver on every aspect of an individual’s fitness needs. Whether your goals involve adding slabs of lean muscle to your frame at exceedingly low levels of body fat, building mind-blowing levels of strength, competing, improving performance in a sport, losing body fat, or just trying to begin a healthy lifestyle, HypertroFit will take you there.
It is my absolute privilege to join you on the path that has been such an instrumental part of my life and I look forward to seeing you break down the barriers that once seemed so solid.
Kyle Blandford
Founder, CEO HypertroFit LLC.