Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It’s a nutrient timing strategy. The basic idea of intermittent fasting is confining your meals to a “feeding window”, which can last anywhere from 8-12 hours on average. The remaining time of day you will spend fasting.
While you may think that this extended fasting window helps you to burn more body fat, the truth is it really makes no noticeable difference (when compared to eating small meals evenly spaced through the day). Intermittent Fasting does not allow you to disregard the laws of thermodynamics. Calories are still king and having the proper distribution of macronutrients is still just as important, even if you do decide to employ intermittent fasting.
So what is intermittent fasting good for? If you are busy during the morning, you can simply not eat until lunchtime. It may be a bit strange at first, but after a while, you’ll feel great doing it and you’ll have some nice big meals to look forward to later in the day. Giving yourself less time to eat during the day will often make you eat less overall – indirectly lowering calories without necessarily counting every last one.
Where intermittent fasting is less than ideal is building muscle. A long fasting window means a long period of time where your body is without extra amino acids needed to grow new tissue. Muscle protein synthesis caps out at a certain level of protein intake (typically 40-50g in a serving depending on the size of the person). Therefore, someone providing a steady stream of amino acids 24/7 will be building muscle to a greater degree than someone who is only contributing half the time. But even this effect is very minimal and unlikely to have a major impact on your progress.